[Towertalk] 4:1 Ferrite Balun Sources
Dino Darling
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 10:42:59 -0800
http://www.baluns.com/ comes highly recommended!
My friend (AA6PW) is a contester and just bought a current balun from
He said the current balun was HEAD OVER HEALS better than the old Van Gordon
(duh!). He said he "heard" better.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Hackler" <rhackler@mindspring.com>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 9:25 AM
Subject: [Towertalk] 4:1 Ferrite Balun SOurces
> Does anyone have a good source for a 4:1 ferrite balun. I need to replace
> the one on my KT-34. The m2 guys said not to waste my money on their
> $105.00 balun, and that any good 4:1 ferrite balun rated at 3 - 30 Mhz
> should work fine.
> Kudos to M2 for being honest!
> 73 de KN6RO
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