[Towertalk] pulleys ???
Mark <AA6DX@pacbell.net>
Tue, 01 Oct 2002 07:17:49 -0700
If the 3/8 rope is not pulling a real heavy load, you might want to consider
using stainless rings, available at your farm store (used in halters, etc.)
... they are strong (consider the bull that will being held with that item!)
and don't deteriorate... and don't get all snarled, etc... again, depending
on load, a simple stainless hose clamp makes it easy to attach to the Rohn
45! Give it a try on the ground first .. worky worky .. and easy. ...
Now, on the other hand, if this apparatus is intended to haul a Volkswagen
to the top of your tower, that is another story! 73 --- Mark, AA6DX (best
place I have found for long-life pulleys is at the marine supply sources)
----- Original Message -----
From: "xppq" <xppq@pyramid.net>
To: <Towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 5:45 AM
Subject: [Towertalk] pulleys ???
I have some 3/8 inch rope
need a few strong PULLEYS for
tower project - any recommendations?
need to attach to Rohn 45
josh n7xm
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