[Towertalk] Trylon up, XR-5 working, thanks.

Dave Dunbar, N0RQ n0rq@swbell.net
Tue, 01 Oct 2002 17:36:04 -0500

First, thanks to a number of you that have responded to several =
I've posted here over the last few months.  I received a number of =
helpful replies.

I wanted to post the results of my first tower project --=20
putting up a Trylon T600-64' and a Force 12 XR-5 and a 6m beam.
If you're interested, see www.qsl.net/n0rq  -- it is 8 pages long --=20
including some pictures.  I hope it is helpful to someone else.

Thanks again!
Dave, N0RQ

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