[Towertalk] AB-577 antenna masts

Dick Green dick.green@valley.net
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 11:26:14 -0400


I've had one up for over three years, most of that time with a rotor and C3E
tribander. I've had a 40-2CD on it for about three months. Almost all of the
parts are made of aluminum or stainless steel and the aluminum parts are
well painted. There's no corrosion to speak of.

You can easily remove the winch handle so that the tower can't be cranked
down. However, someone could loosen or cut the guy wires and push the thing
down (very dangerous!) That's an issue with any guyed tower.

73, Dick WC1M

> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:towertalk-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jeff Burns
> Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 8:27 PM
> To: towertalk
> Subject: [Towertalk] AB-577 antenna masts
> Are the AB-577 antenna masts suitable for mostly permanent
> installations? I
> know that are being used this way, but have never seen on up close to know
> how it might hold up over time. Also, can they be made adequately tamper
> proof?
> Jeff Burns
> AD9T