[Towertalk] GAO Challenger DX

Dinsterdog@aol.com Dinsterdog@aol.com
Mon, 07 Oct 2002 11:44:45 -0400

I feel a Hustler 5BTV would outperform the Challenger on the low bands but be beat on the higher freqs.............Low angle beats out dipoles on long range DX, especially on the low bands-  I worked a 5BTV from a backyard in France without radials working grayline 40/80M DX stateside with no problems...a neighbor down the road had a Gap and seldom  worked stateside and never ever on 80M...........the 5BTV is the most under-rated antenna out there- they should double the price and it might get the attention it deserves- BTW, use radials if you can and throw out these independent of radial verticals-  You might as well buy a car without tires-  

73 Paul  N0AH