[Towertalk] GAO Challenger DX

Chuck Counselman ccc@space.mit.edu
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 14:10:57 -0400

At 7:23 AM -0600 10/7/02, n4kg@juno.com wrote:
>On the Low Bands, verticals are often better than (low) dipoles
>for DX where a 1/2 WL high 80M dipole needs to be 140 ft up!

Let's compare a vertical with a horizontal dipole at the same max. 
height of, say, 70 ft.

NEC-4 says, for

*  f = 3.5 MHz;

*  vertical dipole top height = 70 ft (21.336 m) and bottom height = 2 m;

*  my New England ground (see my previous post); and

*  elevation angle = 7.5 degrees

       Antenna      | Gain (dBi)
       Vertical     |   -7.4
       Horiz. dipole|   -5.6  <-- better than the vertical by 1.8 dB.
       at 70 ft.    |
       (broadside)  |

73 de Chuck, W1HIS