[Towertalk] Choices
Steve Gehring
Wed, 09 Oct 2002 19:16:13 -0700
3 S-unit advantage??? Not based on my 7 years of operation
there... Negative S-unit(s) maybe...
I'll have to agree with Mark concerning his operating comments in Alaska.
After living in the Anchorage area for 7 years (1993-2000), I know what
challenges HF operation there. KL7 land may be DX, but I found that AK
operating requires skill, RF power, and decent antennas. Most of the time,
I found my received signals 6 to 10 dB below those coming from the lower
latitudes. There most certainly are disadvantages to operating above the
60th parallel. With it's proximity to the auroral zone and magnetic poles,
even a minor disturbance will disrupt or hamper HF comms in and out of the
state. It's a different world up there and reciprocity usually doesn't
apply. You'd have to live there for awhile to understand the propagation
disadvantages Alaskan hams endure. I'm sure other Alaskans and Canadians
can add further this. BTW, the hams in Fairbanks (roughly 250 miles N. of
Anchorage) have it even worse. Living, working, and operating there isn't
for the faint-hearted.
73 de Steve, KZ9G
ex: KL7DC
At 07:45 PM 10/9/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Yeah, but you're DX!!! That adds at least 3 S units to your signal
>strength doesn't it???
>73 Gil, W1RG
>Mark wrote:
>>Try it in F A I R B A N K S Alaska! 73 .. Mark . AA6DX op, KL7RA .. 2
>>yrs as AA6DX/KL7, North Pole ..........
>>From: "WL7M" <joe@xyz.net>
>>To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
>>Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 1:34 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Towertalk] Choices
>>>Hey! Try being in Alaska!! ;-)
>>>At 11:52 AM 09-10-2002, Jon Ogden wrote:
>>>>Hear! Hear!
>>>>Those east coast guys don't know what it's like trying to work Europe
>>>>passing your signals through the auroral belt!
>>>>on 10/9/02 1:59 PM, kk9a@arrl.net at kk9a@arrl.net wrote:
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>AN Wireless Self Supporting Towers at discounted prices, See
>Wireless Weather Stations now $349.95. Call Toll Free, 888-333-9041 for
>additional information.
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