[Towertalk] An idea...oh boy
Jon Ogden
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 06:49:56 -0500
on 10/13/02 6:44 PM, Jason Hissong at jhisson1@columbus.rr.com wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I talked it over with the XYL and she said she does not care what I do
> (within limits). She says just let her know when I am done!!! (After
> all... she gets the kitchen she always wanted!! hehehehe)
Been there. Done that! Way to go!
> I think I may put this on my garage. The garage is only 5 feet lower than
> my house. And the garage attic is way more accessible than my attic. The
> garage is 14.9' high. If I go with the 26' Roof tower, that would put my
> antenna at 40'! Which is what I would have wanted anyway! Of course, the
> only issue would be that I would be limited to 9ft2 of antenna space. I
> could go with a 17.5' on my house and that would put the antennas at about
> 36.9 feet. The antenna area would be increased as well. I would be able to
> go with a C4SXL with that puppy! (Of course, will having a 40 Meter beam at
> 36.9 feet be effective over a dipole at the same height?)
IMHO, a 40M beam would not do all that well that low. But a small beam for
the upper bands would work just fine at 36 feet.
> I could go with the 26' on the house and that would put the antenna at 45'.
> Would the extra 9' make a difference? (At the expense of 300.00 and lower
> wind load).
Personally, I would go with the 17.5' on the house. The nine feet you get
with the 26 foot tower probably doesn't buy you that much for the cost and
decreased wind load. Plus that's just a big structure to have on your roof!
As for the attic access, as long as you have enough room up there to get
some long 2x6's or 2x10's you'll be fine. You'll need to put some long
boards across your roof joists to spread the tower load and provide
reinforcement. And now is the perfect time of year to do attic work as
compared to July! Talk to me off-line if you want more details about
mounting the sucker.
> I already have an MQ1 from TGM Communications that I can upgrade to an MQ34
> for about 400.00. But for 550.00, I could get a Force 12 C3SS!! I also
> have an 11 element 2M beam that I can use for FM simplex.
I thought you were a "casual" operator! :-)
> Now, to find out what the city has to say about this... heheheheheh
> Thanks guys!
That I wouldn't do. Just put it up. The fact is they will likely never say
anything. It's not a "permanent" structure or modification. If they do say
something, you apologize and pay whatever fine they have (generally twice
the permit application fee). They might want to inspect it then so no big
deal. But if they say, "No" from the get go then you are screwed.
Tis better to beg forgiveness than to seek permission.
Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)
Life Member: ARRL, NRA
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."