[Towertalk] ameritron rcs-8v

Joe Barnes n4jbk@bellsouth.net
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 10:46:00 -0400

This past saturday I put an ameritron rcs-8v up on the tower, I am using =
5 conductor #18 wire as the control wire. When I tried to use the =
antennas I found that the switch was not selecting any of the antennas =
connected to it. Checking the back of the control box I found that all =
of the terminals had about 15.8 volts on them. When I disconnected the =
control box from the wire there was voltage only on the terminal =
selected. I checked the resistance between the wires and found it to be =
250 ohms. When I first hooked up the switch the tower was not grounded ( =
just put the tower up the day before) . Does anyone w\know if this =
switch gets ground via the tower? and does anyone have an idea of what =
is wrong with my brand new ameritron switch?=20

Thank you , Joe N4JBK

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