[Towertalk] Telrex TB6EM Available in Central IL
Greg Gobleman
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 15:44:36 -0500
I finaly got the Hazer down today to do my spring tower work. Yeah, I =
am several months behind. I have available and still assembled, (but =
that will change soon) a Telrex TB6EM. If you want it, it's yours. =
First person with an email to me and willing to come get it soon can =
have it. Works great on 15m and 20m. The tuning is off on 10m, but =
there is nothing broken. With my luck, not everything is going to come =
apart. So plan on picking it up and having at least a pickup truck or =
better yet a trailer as some of these element and boom sections are =
long. Oh yeah, did I say that I am not shipping it. Must be picked =
up. Schoolwork allowing, I will be working on this for the next week or =
two and I would like to get this done right away. A step ladder would =
be helpful or an extra hand or two.=20
I have been using a RF choke as the original Balun was trashed.
I might also have some other antennas and spare aluminum boom material =
available. =20
Greg K9ZM
Chestnut, IL (The Geographical center of IL)
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