[Towertalk] Soldering at the top of the tower

ag0n@arrl.net ag0n@arrl.net
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 16:57:45 -0600

On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 17:39:49 -0500, Jon Ogden wrote:

> I solder my PL-259's all the time w/o flux.

Likewise.  I've never used flux (other than what's in good quality solder)
on a connector and can't imagine putting that messy stuff on the parts.  How
would you clean it off of the surfaces and out of the inners?

Forty plus years of soldering PL's, and a firm believer.

a g 0 n at a r r l dot n e t
http colon slash slash mcduffie dot ws