[Towertalk] How Not to Break a Wrist!

Greg Gobleman k9zm@frontiernet.net
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 18:44:09 -0500

Some of you folks are aware that I have been doing some tower work =
lately.  I was cranking down the Hazer or should I say getting it into =
position to crank down.  There was still some tension in the upper guys =
and I slacked them off some more.  But I still had just a bit of tension =
and was able to get the release free and went to crank it down.  =
Actually, since I have the standard winch with my Hazer and not the one =
with a brake, it is more of a controlled-by-hand let down.  The handle =
got away from me and smacked me a good one on the top of the wrist.  The =
safety catch caught with almost no movement of the Hazer.  I think it =
was all still the tension in the kevlar guys.  One broken wrist.

I was in a hurry! =20

I need a method of controling the descent.  A brake winch or a big drill =
instead of the handle on that winch.

I need to make sure that kevlar guys are really slacked off.

I always learn things the hard way.  Hopefully somebody else can learn =
something from me.

Greg K9ZM 

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