[Towertalk] climbing harness ??? HELP

Marc Holdwick n8kwx2@attbi.com
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 00:28:16 -0500


You must have bought their FP-5600.  Their FP-5602 is $18 more ($99) and has
the D rings on the hips that you want.

I would expect any manufacturers fall arrest harness to have the same
liability notice.  Treat it like a seatbelt - if it is "used" it can (and is
designed) to stretch.  That is why is shouldn't be reused.

Also, the fall arrest lanyard should be attached to your back.  That way if
you fall, your body will bend the way it should when you stop.  (Legs and
arms to your front).  If you attach the lanyard to your chest, you might
hurt yourself when your arms and legs get bent backwards as you come to a


Marc - N8KWX


> Hello Tower Talk Brain trust
> what do the tower talkerians
> recommend for climbing belt??
> I will be climbing Rohn 45.
> I just got Glen Martin climbing
> harness -  not impressed !!
> The "fall arrest" harness must
> use D ring attached to harness
> in the middle of your back !  they
> say do NOT use other D rings to
> attach to the tower !
> I want belt ( or harness) that can attach
> to tower from D rings on each hip .
> Easy to use
> The Glen Martin harness has its
> liability NOTICE - if harness is used ONCE in fall arrest do not
> use again -   NOT impressed.
> josh n7xm
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