[Towertalk] rotatable dipole
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 06:46:39 -0600
AH, yes, a dipole that covers BOTH 30 and 40M gets a bit tricky.
The usual trap isolator would require a FULL SIZE dipole on 30M
which is ~50 ft plus extensions for 40M, making it nearly full size
on 40M which is mechanically 'challenging'.
I like the Cushcraft 40M elements over linear loaded elements.
A CC D40 stacked with a D3W for the WARC bands might be
a good solution.
It should be fairly easy to modify another D40 to work as
a stand alone 30M rotary dipole.
Tom N4KG
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 Dave Pomeroy <dave@dpomeroy.com> writes:
> Yes I was looking for a dipole that would be for 30 and 40 meters. I
> checked most of the major manfacturers and didn't find anything.
> Thanks for the suggestions.
> Dave Pomeroy K7DNP South East Washington
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