[Towertalk] Is there need for a Beverage when using a 4-Square?

Tõnno Vähk Tõnno Vähk"
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 19:00:56 +0200

Hi Carsten,

You can do well without it but it would not hurt for sure. I have
320-50-140-230 degrees 4Square and installed a 140 meters long beverage at
90 degrees to east for YB/VK, etc. It helps definitely in times. I am very
amazed with the quietness of it. I thought my 4Square was a quiet antenna -
huge improvement compared to Inverted V but beverage is even more quiet and
due to that I can dig out signals that are not even coming from the right

But in contest environment I am not sure if having the trouble of installing
4 beverages to the null directions of the 4Square is worth effort as proper
4Square has much better directivity than single beverage...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Carsten Esch" <Carsten.Esch@appello.de>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 6:45 PM
Subject: [Towertalk] Is there need for a Beverage when using a 4-Square?

> Hi,
> I am planning to work 80m Single Band in the upcoming CQWWDX CW contest.
> question is: When using a 4-Square is there need for a beverage (or other
> receiving antenna)?
> Thanks for any input!
> Carsten, DL6LAU
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