[Towertalk] Sidemounting an A3S ??
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 09:47:38 -0500
For a little tribander like an A3 that is probably fine - like N4KG says
watch out for tightening down on those this wall legs, however.
...if you are fortunate enough, or have planned, to have one face of
your tower be at 90 degrees to your desired heading what works really
smooth is to get piece of angle aluminum about 4 inches on a
side....mounting it to 2 legs with u-bolts creates a shelf which the
boom can sit on...then u-bolt the boom to that angle.
...the horizonal syrface also makes for an easy install - no muscle man
feats - once the weight is on the shelf all you need worry about til the
first u-bolt goes in is it sitting there... I usually drop a phillips
screwdriver through one of the outer holes and it acts as a stop to keep
the boom on top of the horzontal mounting plate.
n4kg@juno.com wrote:
>For fixed directions, attaching a SMALL tribander to a tower
>leg seems to work fine. I have a TH3 attached at the mid point
>of an 80 ft tower aimed at SA / Carib (plus other sidemounts).
>Put a PVC sleeve over the tower leg to prevent damage to the leg
>and provide a larger diameter attachment. Slit the PVC lengthwise
>and spread open to attach.
>Tom N4KG
>On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 "Robert Webb" <G0urr@btopenworld.com> writes:
>>>Hello everyone, I am thinking of side mounting a Cushcraft A3S at
>>the 40ft
>>>level of my P60 lattice tower.It will be fixed on NA. Can i bolt
>>>to the tower, or do i need to add some brackets etc. Also what
>>have others
>>>found happens to the SWR and pattern of the beam, having a tower
>>>between the DE and DIR.
>>>Robert Webb
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