[Towertalk] Trylon and AN Towers

EUGENE SMAR spelunk.sueno@prodigy.net
Sun, 1 Sep 2002 22:12:10 -0400


     Dan KK3AN wrote: <Have we also made it clear that
the Trylon T-200 96' tower actually measures out to about 92' when installed
because of the overlap in the 12 leg joints?>

     I just measured my tower from the top of the concrete stubs to the top
of the first/bottom section.  It came in at seven feet seven and a half
inches.  So the top of my nominal sixty-four foot tower (eight sections) is
actually a little less than sixty-one feet above the top of the stub legs,
taking overlap into consideration. I say a little less because these legs
are on a slight taper, narrowing by three inches in each eight-foot
(nominal) section.


73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F