[Towertalk] BEST TOWER HEIGHT OPTION: Single stack or 2 towers??
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 00:44:51 -0600
I favor the 2 Tower approach. Then you could always add a
third tribander at 40 ft on the 70 footer. I would also suggest
a STRONG 20 ft mast (8 - 10 ft inside the top section) and
a 2L40 on top, or at least a 40M rotary dipole...or match
the boom of the high TH7 as a 40M end loaded dipole.
Tom N4KG
On Sun, 1 Sep 2002 13:11:12 EDT RLVZ@aol.com writes:
> Hi Guys & thanks Steve for Towertalk-
> We'd appreciate your thoughts. Our new club station site is limited
> to a
> tower height of 70'. We have two tower options we are considering.
> Please
> advise which of the 2 you like the best for overall stateside and DX
> work.
> Thanks for your assistance!
> OPTION 1: Single 70' tower with stacked Tribanders at 40 & 70'.
> This option
> would offer a 3rd take off angle when the Tribanders were fed in
> phase and up
> to 3dB gain.
> OPTION 2: Two towers, one at 40' and one at 70' each with a
> Tribander. The
> towers would be separated by a distance of 100'. This option would
> give
> easier flexability for rotating the Tribanders as each would be top
> mounted
> and the option of loading the 2 towers for various bands. Some
> con's: may
> lose the 3 db gain from stacking, and could have possible
> interaction between
> the 2 towers at 100'?
> Our group is undecided which route would be the best way to go. Any
> idears?
> Thanks!
> NO4S
> _______________________________________________
> Self Supporting Towers, Wireless Weather Stations, see web site:
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