[Towertalk] Re: Best tower height...Rotation of antennas

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 02 Sep 2002 06:59:56 -0400

At 10:57 PM 9/1/02 -0500, Chuck Sudds wrote:
>At 06:33 PM 9/1/02 -0400, you wrote:
>A man after my own heart!  Unfortunately, most of us ARE on some sort of a
>budget these days.  Not everything needs a PE nor needs to be made from
>stainless steel.  After 44 years in this hobby, I find it alot more fun to
>make something work than to simply throw money at a solution! Keep up the
>good work, Bill.
>Chuck  KØTVD
> >If this thing is to be done a budget, let's not forget swing arms and 
> simple
> >J-arms that allow rotation around 310 degrees  This is a very viable option
> >when using tribanders or monobanders  I have been using HD 73 rotors that
> >be picked up for as little as 50-75 bucks at a hamfest for this purpose.
> >mounting plate and angle pieces can be fabricated for even less.
> >Although the rings have a good rep, this method has worked for me for 
> almost
> >twenty years.

Bill and Chuck are right, of course, but there is one important limitation 
on swing arms, the need for a gap in the middle of the boom equal to twice 
the face width of the tower.  Thanks to W7NI for pointing that out, and for 
the excellent diagram on his web site that proved it to me.

73, Pete N4ZR
Sometimes a tower is just a tower