[Towertalk] Best 2 element 40M YAGI for use on Shunt fed tower?

Tom Sykes nu7j@hotmail.com
Sun, 1 Sep 2002 21:27:51 -0700

I'm planning to purchase a new 2 element 40M yagi.  It will be installed =
by itself on Rohn 25 @ 95 feet. =20

I've been comparing the Cushcraft XM240 with the various Force 12 yagis: =
EF-240, EF-240S, EF-240X, MAG 240N, others?

Cost is a consideration of course.  My main concern is reliability.  I =
believe the performance differences are neglible. =20

Ref: ON4UN's Low Band DXing book, Figure 9-83 - Electrical Length of a =
tower loaded with a Yagi antenna. =20

I'm planning to shunt feed the tower on 160 and/or 80M, so another =
consideration is capacity loading.  Will a 22 or 24 foot boom make a =
noticeable improvement over an 18 foot boom (EF-240), when it comes to =
top loading? =20

Figure 9-83 does not include data for a 2 element 40M yagi.  I'm hoping =
that the capacity loading effect of a 2 element 40M yagi will be =
sufficient.  I'm planning to insulate the guy wires from the tower, =
unless someone has a better idea. =20

In this situation, would it be better to not insulate the top set of =
guys from the tower?

I'm looking forward to reading your collective wisdom!

Thanks and 73,

Tom, NU7J
Everett, WA

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