[Towertalk] Guy Anchor Question
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 09:47:34 EDT
In a message dated 9/4/2002 12:23:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
na9d@speakeasy.net writes:
> Howdy all,
> I am shortly going to be putting up my first real tower - 5 sections of
> Rohn
> 25.
> I plan on guying the tower with two sets of guys per Rohn specs. My
> question is about anchoring them. I have purchased Rohn GA5604 screw
> anchors. The specs on these say that they have 2500 pounds worth of
> holding
> power. I was actually surprised when I received them at how small the
> screw
> portion was.
> My question is this: Are these sufficient for my tower installation or do
> I
> need to think about digging a hole and putting these anchors in concrete?
> I
> was originally planning on doing this but now I am wondering if I need to
> go
> through all that extra work.
Whatever you do, inspect the screw-in anchors everytime you climb your tower.
A tree root pushed one of my anchors about 8 inches out of the ground, a 90
MPH windstorm came along .... I have the pictures, it isn't pretty.
73 Bill
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