[Towertalk] Centering Mast - Update

David k4zzr@bellsouth.net
Sat, 7 Sep 2002 14:51:16 -0400

Hey guys/gals.....got the mast centered and everything tightened down on the
M2 2800 successfully.    I used a heavy-duty 24' extension ladder.  Before
raising the tower vertically, I used rope to tie the top rungs of the ladder
to the top of the lower section of tower which made it nice and secure
*before* I climbed to the top of it.   I put a couple pieces of 2x4 between
the rungs at the bottom, (just in case).  After cranking the tower upright,
I pulled down the bottom section of the extension ladder and set it at an
angle to the tower, and secured a safety line to my climbing belt.   The
ladder was definitely the way to go.  It took me awhile tightening the 10
bolts on the mast but it's done now so I'm happy.   Plus, there didn't
appear to be any binding when rotating through 360 degrees.  Incidentally, I
love the 2800's digital control box!

I've finished running 260' of #4 ground wire underground to ten 8' rods
spaced 16' apart.  And then back to my SPG (and suppressors), and a another
run to my utility ground.  I rented an "irrigation" trencher for $60 which
made the job so much easier.  All wire and rods are exothermically welded
with Cadweld One Shots (neat stuff).

.....tomorrow, I build the OB11-3 Optibeam and put it in the air.

Thanks to all and 73,
David, K4ZZR