[Towertalk] Tree Mounts

David L. Thompson thompson@mindspring.com
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 20:01:17 -0400

I don't see any reason why the old telephone pole mount
that was in a 1956 or 57 QST and in the ARRL Antenna book for years would
not work for a tree mount.  You would need to clear the branches off so
there is room for the mount (requires two holes though the tree).
Depending on the tree you would have to arrange to have a way to get the
antennas to the top of the tree.

Remember trees bend in the wind so caution is advised.  A set of guys about
80% up the tree would help.  I did this with a telephone pole.  These don't
hold the tree up just lend support.

73 Dave K4JRB