[Towertalk] Steel vs Phillystran on a Roof Tower
Steve Katz
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 07:48:30 -0700
> For my 11 ft roof tower that I have to guy. will it make a difference
> whether I use Phillystran HPTG2100i or steel guy wire?
[Steve Katz] I'd ask: What is the tower and what will be mounted on
it? Such a decision requires a "system view," not just that it's an 11 ft.
roof tower. (Examples abound, but here are some: If the antenna to be
mounted is an HF vertical, conductive guys are best avoided as they'll
appear as wrongly tuned radials that can cause problems; if the antenna to
be mounted is a 70cm Yagi, it shouldn't make any difference what you use.)
> Certainly there is a price difference!
> Thanks in advance,
> Eric W3DQ
> Washington, DC
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