[Towertalk] C3SS vs Mosley MP33 n WARC
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 21:59:29 EDT
OK - let's start a brawl. Yes, I have read the reviews on eHam and know the
obvious stuff like the Mosley is a rotatable dipole on 12 and 17 where the
C3SS claims gain. FTB better on Mosley. Size and weight about the same.
Force 12 makes a lot of claims -- maybe too many. Mosley has been delivering
for longer than most of us can remember.
I am considering these two for full power, 5 band use and would like to hear
what others would say about the antennas, the companies, the support.
Mounting will be attached to a chimney about 15 feet above a tin roof and 45
feet high. That is another topic!
Go for it.
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