[Towertalk] Philystran cost
Ron D. Rossi
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 14:47:01 -0400
I don't see how the length of use factors into the equation. Either you want
the non-interfering performance of the philly or you don't. The cost is
$0.89/ft today plus $8.50 per grip. The cost is beyond even if you consider
time. If time is free it was (for my case) about a 20% adder to the guying
cost. I had no interest in building up all the steel guys for my tower and
went with the philly (plus EHS near the ground). Been up 3 years now and I am
still smiling.
73 es God Bless de KK1L...ron rossi(kk1l@arrl.net) <><
Support Programmer for TRLog http://www.qth.com/tr
QTH: Jericho, Vermont
My page: http://www.qsl.net/kk1l
>>>Jon Ogden said:
> Phyllistran runs around 45 cents a foot if I remember correctly.
> EHS can be had for around 11 to 13 cents a foot.
> Jerry's right about some of the extra costs, but consider that you will need
> grips for the Phillystran as well, plus you will need some additional EHS
> for leaders at the ground, etc. I really doubt the costs come out even.
> The bottom line that Phillystran told me was that if you plan on having the
> tower in place for many years to come, then spend the money on their
> product. If you plan on having the tower in place for only 5 to 10 years
> then don't bother.
> 73,
> Jon
> NA9D
> on 9/25/02 12:44 PM, Jerry Kincade at w5kp@swbell.net wrote:
> > I went through this with a pencil last year when I put up my 80' 45G. Don't
> > have the exact numbers handy, but after you add in the extra cost for the
> > Philly, and then subtract a BUNCH of relatively expensive insulators and
> > grips you don't need for RF resonance breakup, I think the Philly came out
> > about 35-50% higher, depending on how you bend your pencil. But after I
> > subtracted the weight, hassle, time, and headaches of properly installing
> > and breaking up EHS guys, and it suddenly all came out even. I went with th
> > Phillystran, and I've never looked back. I have around $4K+ invested in thi
> > modest tower/antenna setup overall, so the extra couple of hundred for
> > Phillystran instead of EHS didn't keep me awake nights. The $4K+ did for a
> > while, but the pain is even fading on that.
> > 73, Jerry W5KP
> -------------------------------------
> Jon Ogden
> NA9D (ex: KE9NA)
> Life Member: ARRL, NRA
> Member: AMSAT, DXCC
> http://www.qsl.net/ke9na
> "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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