[Towertalk] trees and towers don't go together !!
Lee Noonan
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 10:46:17 +1000
A quick story...
My free standing tower...(no it wasn't free!] was installed OK with No
problems etc.... but My wife is a keen Gardener who loves trees and shrubs
etc...... especially if SHE planted them.... and She did plant them....
Next time I took My free standing tower down a few years later...to replace
an antenna and replace coaxial cables... there was a 12ft high and 10ft wide
tree in the way.... so I trimmed it up a little.... and down.a little.. and
in.a little.. and well everywhere... infact this tree was a mess...
Horrible....bits missing everywhere..... After the tower was raised....
Well.... My Wife complained bitterly about Her Poor Tree..... for about 3
years.......... I HAVE learnt My Lesson.....
Trees are MORE important than Towers.... [and Trees seem to grow
VERY Fast when planted in the wrong place]
Lee Noonan VK2LEE
PS... I wonder if there is someone who can take whole trees out when needed
, and replant them back when repairs to towers & antennas etc are
completed..... well just a thought.....
>. The tree wasn't in the way when the owner put it up, and his wife didn't
want the tree to be
> harmed. (Only lost one branch and no one got hurt, so we were successful.)