[TowerTalk] Location location

Chuck Counselman ccc at space.mit.edu
Sun Apr 6 17:28:30 EDT 2003

WD4K wrote:
>Some of this Realtor bashing comes from a complete and total 
>misunderstanding of what you should expect from your Realtor. Your
>Realtor is NOT an expert in antennas nor should be expected to be.

I'm sorry that I did not know what I should expect from Realtors, and 
that I relied on Realtors to tell me.  I should have known not to 
listen to them.  Thank you for confirming what I learned the hard 
way, about what to expect.

In view of what you say, whenever I instructed a Realtor not to show 
me any property with a restriction prohibiting a 120-ft.-tower, (s)he 
should have replied that (s)he was unable to determine whether a 
property was so restricted, and (s)he should have advised me consult 
a lawyer.

In fact, no Realtor ever hinted that (s)he might have the slightest 
inability to comply with my instruction, which I repeated, and 
delivered in writing, for emphasis.

Quite the contrary, every Realtor assured me with absolute confidence 
that (s)he took my instruction very seriously, and that there could 
be no possible problem with any property (s)he showed me.  I always 
uncovered the problem later, after wasting my time, the Realtor's 
time, and the property owner's time.  In almost every case, I found 
that the Realtor had simply disregarded my very explicit and emphatic 
instruction.  E.g., (s)he had not mentioned my concern to the 
property owner, to his/her agent, to the developer, etc.

73 de Chuck, W1HIS

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