[TowerTalk] Guyed self-supporters (was "Concrete suggestions")

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Thu Apr 17 11:09:28 EDT 2003

At 11:47 PM 4/16/03 -0400, K3BU at aol.com wrote:

>So you are saying that self supporting towers have "weaker legs" than guyed
>towers? Look around!
>Again, with guys, legs in the self supporting tower share the vertical load.
>Yes there is some additional vertical component from the guy, but that is way
>below what would break the legs.

I don't think it's possible to make such a blanket statement.  The only 
right answer would be "it depends."  The only thing you know for sure is 
that guying a self-supporting tower is putting forces on it that it is not 
designed for.  There may be plenty of margin, or there may not.

73, Pete N4ZR
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