[TowerTalk] grounds

Van Fair vfair at innova.net
Sat Apr 19 17:32:11 EDT 2003

I want to thank all who responded to my request for info on the proper ground to go with my new AC protection system. The unanimous opinion was that all 3 ground rods must be tied together with same wire used by power co. That will be a major project for anyone like me that has a ground rod at the tower, one in the basement  floor under the operating room and one at the meter on the other side of the house 70 feet away. It will take at least 125 feet of #6  or #8 solid wire and could take 175 feet depending on the route.  I don't see how they would ever be at the same resistance since the rods themselves are as much as 75 ohms different. I have no problems with RF in the shack running max legal power. My interest in changes relate only to surge control and Possibly Noise reduction. DOES ANYONE HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH LOWERING NOISE LEVELS ON THE LOW BANDS BY MAKING GROUND CHANGES?

Like most of you I disconnect my antennas and unplug equipment when a storm approaches but I may not always be available. I  may have to take my chances but I will continue to try to learn more with references supplied and better my chances. Thanks 

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