[TowerTalk] 160m vertical

Eric Scace K3NA eric at k3na.org
Sun Aug 3 17:28:39 EDT 2003

The effect varies depending on ground conductivity, but will be relatively slight.  Do what you can, get on the air, and have fun.

   -- Eric K3NA

-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Peter Sundberg
Sent: 2003 August 3 Sunday 14:50
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] 160m vertical

I've just put up a 160m vertical but I can not put radials in all
directions. At best I can cover about 240 degrees with full size radials,
in the other directions it is only possible to put down a few short ones.

What effect, if any, will this have on the pattern of the antenna?

73/Peter SM2CEW


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