[TowerTalk] DX Engineering 20DX-5 modeling

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Tue Aug 5 15:29:47 EDT 2003

In a message dated 8/4/03 3:25:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, w0yg at plusten.net 

> Has anyone modeled the old DX Engineering 20DX-5 antenna?  This was a 5
>  element 20M yagi on a 43.75 foot boom.  The reason I asked is I just spent 
>  whole morning trying to tune one by yanking it in the air after every
>  adjustment and it just never came into what I considered acceptable
>  parameters.  So, I modeled it in EZNEC and find that it has some problems
>  the way it is factory set.  For one thing, the forward gain and f/b are not
>  what I would expect.  For another, there is a strong lobe straight up, a
>  cloud buster.  For another it is hard to move the frequency down.

    You're not the first person to discover that the DXE antennas look good 
but don't play well. This is not a new phenomena. The DXE hardware is a good 
place to start to design your own antenna. 

Steve    K7LXC

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