[BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] Old coax connectors . . .

on4kj on4kj at skynet.be
Wed Aug 6 21:33:17 EDT 2003

A Amateur trading Post, that's what we need Bill. 0,33 $ cents... ,Affraid
your tax administration or VAT will bring the price up to at least 0,7 $
cents. With two vendors following the cycle, they cost you two times
double.. or at least 2$8 each, before you can test them with a torch....
Have a look at WWW.Kabel-kusch.de they have N-like PL

Jos on4kj

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Katz" <stevek at jmr.com>
To: <wrt at dslextreme.com>
Cc: "Towertalk submital" <towertalk at contesting.com>; "'bruce makas'"
<k1my at msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 7:21 PM
Subject: RE: [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] Old coax connectors . . .

> > _________________________________________________________
> >
> > Why destroy the connector?  If it looks like Telfon (opaque white),
> > touch a very hot iron to the plastic.  If it doesn't melt, it's
> > Teflon.  If it does melt - a tiny little spot - it's not Teflon, but
> > it's still usable for lower power.
> >
> > //Good idea.  I never think twice about "using up" PL-259's, and never
> > even consider re-using any, since I buy them in 1000 pc lots and pay
> > little for them.  By visiting the Korean Trade Center at the WTC in Los
> > Angeles and looking through some vendor catalogs, I found the source for
> > the Radio Shack PL-259s as well -- the ones they sell for $2.19 are
> > available for $.33 each plus cartage in lots of 1000.  Quite a profit
> > margin those folks at the Shack have, eh?  Anyway, I'm sure you're
> > a hot iron would do the trick.  -WB2WIK/6
> > --
> > 73, Bill W7TI
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