[TowerTalk] Re: Re: Antenna element vibration damping - How

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Sun Aug 10 00:02:35 EDT 2003

I started to use stainless screws more then 25 years ago,
I have gone thru that process with corroded screws a long
time ago and did learn.
I have more then 70 yagi ( HF bands) elements up in the air,
some has been there 20 or more years, no ropes no rivets no
hose clamps no vibrations.
Man you guys went to the moon more then 30 years ago, and I
sure admire you for that, you should be able to beat this one.

73 Jim SM2EKM

AA6DX wrote:

> Living on the Pacific Coast has left me with a different point of view, Jim.
> It is way easier to drill out the rivets, then it is to unscrew a
> rusty/corroded screw .. then have a few break off in the process, leaving a
> problem in how to remove the element, because the screw breaks off above the
> insertion point, so as the element is still not able to be removed .. I USE
> Jag ar svenska poika..
> 73 .. Mark, AA6DX
> aa6dx at arrl.net
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jan Erik Holm" <sm2ekm at telia.com>
> To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 11:23 AM
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Re: Re: Antenna element vibration damping - How
> Dale, no offence but this is not new to me, I know
> excactly how to remove rivets, and put them in.
> Different opinions but I still think it´s easier to
> remove two screws instead of drill out rivets.
> However one thing I don´t know what it is, a Saturn
> SC2 coupe is new to me.
> 73 Jim SM2EKM
> PS: Hose clamps I stopped using 30 years ago!!!
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Dale L Martin wrote:
>>>Also with rivets it makes it difficult to dismantle
>>>elements if you ever need to.
>>>73 gl Jim SM2EKM
>>I've got to disagree with you, Jim.
>>I took apart a Force 12 C4 a year or so ago.
>>It was a no-brainer reducing the element lengths to where they and the
> boom
>>pieces would fit in the back of my Saturn SC2 (coupe) for the 50 mile
> drive
>>I used a drill to drill out the rivets.  It all went very quickly and
>>Most of the rivets dropped right out of their holes into the element.  A
> few
>>had to be followed up with a light tap of a center punch.  I selected a
>>drill bit such that the hole would not be enlarged.  They weren't.
>>You can have and keep using your hose clamps.
>>Gimme rivets any day!
>>dale, kg5u
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