[TowerTalk] Chicago Tribune: Antenna Stirs Static Among Neighbors

Chuck Lewis clewis at knology.net
Wed Aug 13 16:35:31 EDT 2003

Son-of-a-gun...what's this hobby coming to?

I'll bet you occasionally give up a frequency, too.  Where's your required
self-centeredness? Your ego? Next thing we know, you'll be inviting your
neighbors over for a beer. Damn!

Chuck, N4NM

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Turner" <wrt at dslextreme.com>
To: <k4oj at tampabay.rr.com>
Cc: "Jerry Muller" <k0tv at arrl.net>; "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj at hotmail.com>;
<towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Chicago Tribune: Antenna Stirs Static Among

> On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 11:44:20 -0400, "Jim White, K4OJ"
> <k4oj at tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> >WHAT?
> >
> >You want his towers limited????
> I said no such thing.  Read my post again.
> >It does not matter how high they are to the neighbors...
> Of course it does.  An attitude like yours is why there are "neighbor
> problems" in the first place.
> >the difference
> >between 50 foot and 150 foot as far as height is irrelevant to them...
> >it is a tower and to THEIR insensitive bigotry they are all the same...
> More nonsense.  A 50 foot tower is quite a different thing from a 150
> footer.
> >I can easily understand the need for two high towers minimum, to support
> >a dipole type antenna between them... but that is only for one pair of
> >azimuthal options... three towers makes arrays which will be broadside
> >to six different areas possible!
> Agreed.  The issue here is not radiation effectiveness, it's neighbor
> relations.
> >As far as some people are concerned if the neighbor puts up towers it is
> >like a person of the wrong ethnic background moving into their
> >neighborhood... they feel unjustifiably incensed and are convinced that
> >soon hell will freeze over...
> Agreed.
> >Neighbors suck... best option is to find area near a pasture full of
> >cows - they do not bitch!
> Also agreed.  That's partly why I moved out of the city into the
> desert where my nearest neighbor is 1000' away and the next one beyond
> him is another 1000'.
> >I still cannot believe you told this guy he had nerve asking to have
> >three towers 90 foot!
> I can not believe you misread my post so badly.  Read it again.  I
> only said I thought he was pushing the neighbors a bit much.
> -- 
> Bill, W7TI
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