[TowerTalk] Not in my neighborhood!

Jim Rhodes k0xu at iowadsl.net
Thu Aug 14 00:37:15 EDT 2003

I seem to recall that a fairly new subscriber a year or two ago came up 
with the notion that it would be good to start a housing development with 
the express purpose of selling to hams. I believe he was from the Kansas 
City area. (No that makes any real difference) That would sure be the last 
place that I would want to live!

At 11:02 PM 8/13/03, Jim White, K4OJ wrote:
>Ya know....
>A funny thing happened when the Board of County Commissioners met to 
>discuss the antenna tower question at our family QTH.
>They were very concerned that by allowing us to pursue our antenna plans 
>they could be creating an environment in that particular neighborhood 
>which would lead to a lot of hams putting up towers in there...
>Needless to say the 150 plus hams whop supported our family by showing up 
>at the county commissioners meeting all looked at each other and smiled 
>knowing the last thing in the world any self respecting ham would want to 
>do is move in close to someone who could overload his receiver!
>I swear this is true! One member of the BCC said "we would not want this 
>development to become overrun with these radio towers".  Fortunately it 
>was not necessary to bring to the commissioners attention that this would 
>not happen...
>I mention this, as a friend had pointed out that the idea of creating a 
>directory of municipalities that are "ham friendly" could lead to high ham 
>population density there!  Guess I should log my comments that it is hell 
>trying to put an antenna tower up in my community to discourage other hams 
>looking for land - eh?
>I feel that the arrays at our station sufficiently dissuade another ham 
>from moving in "next door".  And once again we have found yet another 
>reason to have big towers - to keep help other hams away from your QTH! ;-)
>Jim, K4OJ
>p.s. - to those who asked - in an earlier post I mentioned TA - that is 
>Terrain Analyzer (software for predicting antenna performance over 
>non-level ground)
>See: http://www.mscomputer.com  for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless 
>Weather Stations", and lot's more.  Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with 
>any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
>TowerTalk mailing list
>TowerTalk at contesting.com

Jim Rhodes K0XU
jim at rhodesend.net

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