[TowerTalk] Towers on Rock Ledge

Martin Ewing AA6E aa6e at arrl.net
Mon Aug 18 15:02:04 EDT 2003

Thanks, Steve,

I was wondering about guy anchors, too.  Do you put in a bolt oriented toward 
the guy run, or at 90 degrees, or ??

And then it's not clear what kind of grounding is appropriate, short of laying a 
big grid.

Martin, AA6E

K7LXC at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 8/18/03 9:59:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time, aa6e at arrl.net 
> writes:
>>Is there any general information available on siting towers on rock?  I 
> have 
>> granite ledge just a foot or less down, so digging the big hole in the 
>>ground won't do the trick here.
>     It's pretty simple. What you can do is to use the rock as the base. 
> Excavate down to the granite and then drill anchor bolt holes in the rock. You can 
> either use expandable rock bolts or epoxy the anchor bolts right into the 
> rock. Pour some concrete on top so it comes to several inches above grade and 
> you'll be done. 
> Cheers,
> Steve     K7LXC
> Professional tower services for commercial and amateur 

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