FW: [TowerTalk] Re: BBC report on bird kills at towers

Jose M. Valdes R. yv5lix at yv5lix.org.ve
Fri Aug 22 22:12:51 EDT 2003

Hello all.

Were I live every year thousands of swallows, on their yearly migration,
spend about one month around the trees near my QTH, and I have never
seen one of them dead at the foot of the towers, every afternoon before
sundown in April-May they flight around the antennas and trees for about
2 hours and I have never seen one crash with them.

It is a fact that during their migrations, and specially at night, some
birds died after hitting buildings with large glass area, specially new
ones, but 10.000 dead birds in one night around a single communications
tower? come on.... who ever reported that should undergo a mental health

73/DX Jose M. Valdes R. (Joe) YV5LIX

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