[TowerTalk] BBC report on bird kills at towers

Jim White, K4OJ k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Aug 22 23:31:53 EDT 2003

...sounds to me like the legal branch of the Earth Liberation Front has 
found another way that we as human beings should feel guilty about our 
lack of concern for the planet...

While there are undoubtedly bird deaths associated with tower 
collisions, perhaps "insighted" by beacons to some extent it seems to me 
the vast increase in the numbers of birds due to lack of predatory 
forces on them and an overabundance of refuse for them to pluck at most 
likely would more than offset the mean cruel evil killing of birds those 
awful humans are causing.

I tell you these friggin' tree huggers are gonna kill us all... today 
you are supposed to feel guilty because you drive and SUV, tomorrow you 
are supposed to feel guilty because you have a tower...  Today they 
torched an SUV dealer will these same miscreants be cutting my guy wires 


I hope the FCC gets some real - NOT JUNK - science on this prior to 
making up its mind...

These people need to get a friggin life - they could be helping build 
houses with Habitat for Humanity or working in Soup Kitchens but no - 
they are counting dead bird carcasses...

Heah - the sixties are over, were over 30 + years ago...

Just because you now know how to keep occupied the ridiculous 
overabundance of lawyers in this country does not mean that they, simply 
by being Doctors of Law, are doing anything other than running up the 
consumers cost on everything with their frivolous litigation.

Close vent


...and to top it off the BBC is airing this - THAT should tell you it is 
trash science - they probably picked up the story from the New York Times!

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