[TowerTalk] RE: Erecting tower

Tom Anderson WW5L at gte.net
Fri Dec 5 12:09:24 EST 2003


When I put up Rohn 25 at my first QTH I bolted 2 sections together, made 
sure they were  plumb, and tied them off in several directions before 
pouring the concrete.
As the concrete as being poured I constantly rechecked the bottom 
section with a level to make sure it stayed plumb and tightened/loosened 
any of the support ropes to make sure it stayed plumb.  Did same as the 
concrete was drying although little/no movement was detected after the 
concrete was poured.  
I buried about 4-5 feet of the 1st section.

 Also I put a several inch layer of river rock/gravel in the bottom of 
the hole and set the legs of the bottom section into it about a foot 
inches or so to allow for drainage, even though freezing is not that 
much of a worry in Texas.  Lets any condensation that forms inside the 
legs to drain out.  

Tom, WW5L

kenneth.lowrey at wright.edu wrote:

>I am finally getting a tower after hamming for 41 years!!
>I plan to pour cement around one tower section and use this as a base.  The 
>township requires this procedure for the building permit.
>My question is:
>How do I keep this base section vertical while the cement is poured into the 
>hole?  It seems to me that the force of the cement flow would push the tower 
>off plumb.  Guy wires?  Wood braces?  I would appreciate any advice.
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