[TowerTalk] I think K7NV should be ashamed of this.

Allen (Marty) Martin w7apm at mtaonline.net
Mon Dec 8 00:57:58 EST 2003


I found the site very informative and just bookmarked it yesterday. Having
completed college static's and strength of materials classes I can say the
material is very clearly presented without being overly technical where a
person without training in structural mechanics would have a hard time
understanding it. Perhaps the complainer would like to supply the web server
at his cost.
I vote to keep it!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kurt Andress" <k7nv at contesting.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 12:43 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] I think K7NV should be ashamed of this.

> W4BSG wrote:
> < I get a "Jittering" pop-up ad on this URL. Is this a common feature of
> "freeyellow" or is it from some other cause? I dont mind < < < someone
> avoiding paying directly for service by imposing ads like this on
> others, but it should at least be done better than this. I < think K7NV
> should be ashamed of this.
> < Bill
> < Bill Aycock - W4BSG
> < Woodville, Alabama
> Thanks for the comments Bill. They have helped me make an important
> decision.
> I will be removing all that free technical drivel I created from that
> web host. The problems associated with it have driven me nuts for quite
> some time now.
> I am not the least bit ashamed by anything I have done, I've spent
> hundreds of hours researching topics and writing pages to be published,
> to make them available to you and others. That happens to only be my
> opinion, but because you chose an opinion topic, instead of a technical
> one, I have license to say that.
> I will fix the current problem, and we will not have to burden the
> TowerTalk reflector with such non-productive traffic in the future.
> Back to net!
> At 03:40 AM 12/7/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>     ARRL Antenna book shows how to determine whether a contemplated
>     system will or will not overload a tower with a given
>     top-of-the-tower wind load area rating. It is my understanding that
>     the method described doesn't apply to loads below the top guys in a
>     guyed tower system.
>     Recommended reading:
>     http://yagistress.freeyellow.com/K7NV/Notes/WindLoad.html
> 73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO
> Thanks Jim, for the private e-mail about your frustration with all the
crap that the host throws at you, and your appreciation for the content.
> You are correct about that stuff in the ARRL Handbook. It does not apply
to loads below the top of a guyed tower.
> Please, no more references to my website.
> Everyone have a great holiday season.
> 73, Kurt, K7NV
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