[TowerTalk] Alternatives to Rohn tower

kb9cry at comcast.net kb9cry at comcast.net
Mon Dec 15 13:57:51 EST 2003

If one looks at the photos of some installations I see slip joint type of connections rather than the flat plate ends shown on the pdf views.  I'd imagine they'd make an interface if there is a difference from Rohn.  But more importantly, look at their bracing; it's all angled, no horizontal rungs like with Rohn's bracing.  Like my Trylon and Rohn BX towers, those angled bracing are hard on the feet and take more diligence to climb.  We'll see what happens.  I can't imagine that another company wouldn't take over with the same Rohn tooling like was done with their BX series of towers.  Glad I got mine up this summer!  Phil  KB9CRY
> At 06:59 AM 12/15/03 -0500, Scott Johns wrote:
> >XX Towers is distributing a line of stackable tower sections that can
> >interface with Rohn.  Looks to be better built as well!
> >
> >Link   www.xxtowers.com
> On the link, these sections appear to use -plates on the ends of each 
> section that are bolted together.  How would this interface with Rohn sections?
> 73, Pete N4ZR
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