[TowerTalk] One more ground radial question

kb9cry at comcast.net kb9cry at comcast.net
Wed Dec 17 16:49:41 EST 2003

 I would agree 5 radials just won't cut it and your theory of impedance changing during rain is probably right on.  Also your planned number of radials of 12 - 24 is also low.  The best bet is 60 1/4 wavelength radials but any number of shorter lengths will work.  My experience, with good loamy and clay soils, is 45 is the minimum required.  I'd plan to install around that many if you can; the 5 you have now is not enough.  Commercial stations usually use up to 120 radials but extensive tests by amateurs have determined that 60 is optimum.  Check this list's archives for past discussions.  Phil  KB9CRY
> I have to admit that I am in aan enviable position...whatever the number of
> radials I need that is what I install.  The more the Merrier.  in my major
> radial field below the vertical I had 120 radials it worked like a charm and
> the cows didn;t seem to mind one bit.  Seriously,  my view is that you are
> under-radialized (a word?).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jerry Connelly
> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:18 AM
> To: TowerTalk at contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] One more ground radial question
> Hello
> I do not want to flog the proverbial dead horse but I am
> trying to understand something here.  My inverted L for 160m
> seems to work fairly well but the tuning is far from o.k.  Right now
> I have 5 on-ground radials.  Three are 1/4 wave long and two sre 30'
> shorties. I intend to end up with 12 to 24 but weather hasn't been usable
> yet.

> I got the length pruned to lowest swr (about 1.6) but everytime it rains or
> snows
> it goes up to 3 or 4.  I realize a tuner will handle it but I like tuning
> for freq. of
> interest and only using a tuner when away from that freq. range.  My yard is
> average to poor soil.  It has lots of shale and a small amount of granite.
> Is the moisture improving the soil's conductivity and lowering the
> impedence??
> Does this mean I need more (possibly many more) ground radials??  I wanted
> to bury
> them several inches down....so would that help even the swr curves some??
> Forgive my ignorance but ground radials are new to me and I don't want to
> copperplate
> the backyard only to find out something else is really the culprit.
> Thanks
> JerryC
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