GALE STEWARD k3nd at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 19 07:13:02 EST 2003

I dug thru my archives and came up with the following
articles that I've saved over the years. There might
well be more out there but this was all I have.

"Short Ground-Radial Systems for Short Verticals" by
Jerry Sevick, W2FMI. QST, April 1978

"Optimun Ground Systems for Vertical Antennas" by John
Stanley, K4ERO. QST, Dec. 1976

"Radial Systems for Ground-Mounted Vertical Antennas"
by Brian Edward, N2MF. QST, June 1985

"Ground Systems for Vertical Antennas" by Al
Christman, KB8I (now K3LC). HR, Aug. 1979

"Efficient Ground Systems for Vertical Antennas" by
K8CFU, W3ESU, and K4HU. QST, Feb. 1983

A lot of good, practical information in these.

Happy Holidays,
Stew K3ND

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