[TowerTalk] Tram w/Truck

Geoff geoffrey at jeremy.mv.com
Fri Dec 19 17:26:27 EST 2003

I still have fond memories of putting up a KLM 4el 40M on a 160' tower
using the tram and truck method.
As the truck was pulling tension, K1DG was at the top screaming STOP as
the mast/tower was starting to bend! K1AR was also at the top but
nothing fazes John.

All worked out OK but still had some balance problems even with helpers
on both boom end ropes. It kept wanting to tilt down and snag a tree
branch. The tram line was a good 200-250' from the base of the tower.

If memory serves the gin pole was hauling the beam and 4-5 guys on the
rope down below. This was 12 years ago.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Beckwith" <mark at concertart.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tram w/Truck

> > I have forwarded this to the list, it has some
> > serious safety concerns.
> Yes, that would be why I said earlier this afternoon:
> "(Personally I might use a...truck to pull the lift rope, but I don't
> want to get into a debate about the relative safeness or unsafeness of
> method. I know some readers will blast me for even bringing it up, and
> us how great the potential for danger is, and all that.  It's a choice
> all get to make ourselves.  Yes, it can be dangerous and disastrous.)"
> I think it is possible to use a truck to pull a rope in a safe
> I notice several others have alluded to using their trucks to pull up
> antennas this afternoon, as well.
> I KNOW IT IS DANGEROUS, but I can't speak for anyone else.  Thanks for
> comment, Blake.
> Mark, N5OT
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