[TowerTalk] Tower Tips:...A warning about 2 way radios on the tower

Cqtestk4xs at aol.com Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Mon Feb 10 13:05:50 EST 2003

Several made a good suggestion about having 2 way radios to communicate with 
the crew below.  Be careful about using the old style 49 mHz to communicate.  
At 200 feet the range is quite enhanced and sometimes there is interference
Case in point:
K4OJ and beam were finishing off the installation of my 4 el 40 m beam at 200 
feet and were trying to communicate with the crew below.  All of a sudden it 
became really difficult because some Romeo on a remote phone using 49 mHz was 
sweet talking his girlfriend.  The conversation was really quite entertaining 
and was x-rated.
The ground crew couldn't hear it though and it would have been more 
entertaining if OJ and I hadn't been up on the tower for well over two hours. 
I have also had the entertainment at my old qth of having somebody's baby 
monitor  on my 2 way headset.  Talking through gurgles and gah-gahs of an 
infant and his mother talking back to him with the same expressions is really 
counter-productive to good communication with the ground crew!
Actually it sounded like some of the local 2m  repeaters around here.
Bill K4XS

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