[TowerTalk] hole digging tip

Steve Jackson kz1x at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 20 09:58:50 EST 2003

>Just wandering how long (in hours perhaps) it will
>take to dig 4 X 4 X 6 feet deep hole in medium to
>heavy clay using just hand tools like a shovel and
>stuff by one person. 
>73 de Andy - VA3PL


Do yourself a big favor, and call the local mortuary. 
Get the name and number of the guy that digs the
graves in your area.  He will have exactly the right
skills and equipment to do this job, neatly and
without collateral damage, and can do so on almost a
moment's notice and at a very reasonable cost.

I am very lucky; in my area, the grave digger guy is a
ham, and I paid him with some spare PolyPhasers I had.

gl  73  Steve KZ1X/4

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