[TowerTalk] Homemade tubular

Red RedHaines at centurytel.net
Mon Feb 24 20:11:51 EST 2003

I have the March 63 QST and can email copies.  Guess I'd never build it 
of used well casing unless I was placing it where it would do no harm 
when it collapses, because I haven't the equipment to test the used 
casing for unseen damage or corrosion.  I'd also like to see specs on 
the material and calculation of the yield strength.  I recommend (based 
on a mistake with aluminum irrigation pipe) that one not attempt to 
reinforce it with guys without getting professional analysis of how it 
might buckle under vertical loading of the guys, again unless it is 
placed where it will do no damage when it comes down.

73 de WOØW

Terry Dunlap wrote:

> If anyone has this issue I sure would like to buy a copy of this 
> article!!!
> 73 de Terry KK6T
> At 10:07 PM 2/24/2003 +0000, K8NKE wrote:
>> if you can find the July 1989 ham radio on page 38 they had an 
>> article Design data for pipe masts which may be helpful.
>> 73 k8nke
>> At 02:24 PM 2/24/03 -0500, you wrote:
>>> I believe what you are describing is not only practicable, it has 
>>> been done
>>> many times before.  QST, years ago (at least 25years) had a 
>>> how-to-do article
>>> on this type of tower which incorporated used oil field pipe.  It 
>>> also had a
>>> tilt-over feature which made it very easy to install the antenna at 
>>> the top.
>>> A base pipe about 20 or 25 feet long was buried in concrete to about 
>>> 6 or 7
>>> feet and the tower was attached at the top at its balance point.  A 
>>> winch was
>>> installed on the base pipe where the bottom of the tower contacted 
>>> the base.
>>> With the tower balanced, the weight of the beam allowed it to swing 
>>> over and
>>> it could then be pulled vertical with the winch.
>>> The one I saw moved slightly in the wind which is to be expected.  
>>> The main
>>> objection to this type of tower probably is the mounting of the 
>>> rotator if
>>> you put a yagi on top.
>>>  I would like to build this type of tower just to raise and lower wire
>>> antennas for 160 and 80 meters.  I think I could go to 100 feet 
>>> since only
>>> wires would be used, not a yagi or other attachment with a higher 
>>> windload.
>>> I did a search on the web using Google last night looking for the OD 
>>> and ID
>>> of aluminum irrigation pipe but found nothing helpful.  If you run 
>>> across any
>>> articles or design data, please let me know.  Good luck es 73.
>>> Jan Rehler, W5KNZ, Corpus Christi, Texas
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