[Towertalk] 450 ohm ladder line strain relief
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 19:14:06 -0800
That is a good suggestion. I now remember it. I used something similar
for coax line as well. No strain on the connexion. The Lexan was also
used for the centre insulator and was in a triagular shape, apex down. It
was clamped together with tye-wraps at the top and a carriage bolt (brass)
at the bottom.
Chris opr VE7HCB
At 09:09 PM 2002-12-31 -0500, Jim White, K4OJ wrote:
>sandwich the flat feedline between two pieces of plastic (pref UV
>resistant) - bolts those two pieces against one another so that this
>entire sandwich can now be suspended - if you have a traditional ceramic
>cente insulator secure the sandwich to it by going around the center
>insulator with some form of a strap - - a pair of X-HD cable wraps would
>work nice - they would pass through slots in your sandwich - make the
>slots as far apart as possible....
>...that is one approach....
>73 - HNY TTians
>Jim, K4OJ
>Barry Kirkwood wrote:
>>Looking for ideas about strain relief for 450 ohm ladder line (the
>>plastic ribbon stuff with square holes in it).
>>Like: where one connects it to the centre of a dipole, seems uncouth to
>>just hang it off the joints it makes with the antenna itself.
>>Have punched small holes in the webs and woven stranded fishing line
>>through the holes, taken the line back to the insulator above to take
>>weight of the feedline. Am I doing right?
>>Any ideas?
>>Happy 2003
>>Barry Kirkwood PhD ZL1DD
>>Signal Hill Homestay
>>66 Cory Road
>>Palm Beach
>>Waiheke Island 1240
>>ph/fax 64-9-372-5161
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