[Towertalk] Ham-M slippage
GEORGE PRITCHARD <ab2kc@optonline.net>
Wed, 01 Jan 2003 17:49:07 -0500
Oooops...I just realized that I mis-stated my rotor model: It's a HAM-IV, not HAM-M. My Ham-M has the wedge of course. If the wedge just happens to release on the high side of the casing bump, maybe it will jump over the next slot in the bell housing diring a gust. Maybe I'll try "setting" the wedge by doing a "split-second" turn with the brake engaged so it "drops into" a slot in the bell housing. I'm sure the wedge is engaged in the bell housing since the rotor does not turn while the brake is on. When I replace the wedge (special heavy duty) in the spring... I'll inform the reflector with what I find. Thanks again all.
George AB2KC
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